The Well Ordered Parent  

An 8 week online course designed to help you achieve more purpose, peace and togetherness in your home than you ever thought possible. 

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Stuck in a parenting rut?

If so, some of this might sound familiar.

All I do is yell.

I feel like all I do is yell at my children. Lately, not only is my yelling scaring my child, it's scaring me.

The frustration loop.

I go to bed dreading the arrival of a new day. I don't want the madness to start all over again.

Make it go away.

I'm so frustrated with my child's behavior I've begun to lock myself in my room and just cry.

It's about time.

I can't remember the last time I spent meaningful time with my child or told or showed them how much I love them.

The dreaded "H" word.

My child told me they "hate" me and it just broke my heart. What am I doing wrong?

No margin.

I often view my child as a burden. I think I've allowed too many other things to get in the way of my relationship with him/her.

Dear parent, you're not the only one.

If you said, "that's me" to any of the above, just know you're not alone. We're here to help you find a way out!

So what do you need?

More purpose, more order, and more joy in your home.

Of course; but how do you get it?

You need a plan.

Just Imagine...

What if you were in control of your children and not the other way around? What if... 

You had a well thought out plan.

Have you ever scrambled to find ways to address your child's misbehavior? What if you had a consistent game plan in place that helped you to know exactly how to respond, every time?

You put the "quality" back into quality time.

When life is hectic it can feel like a burden to carve out meaningful time to spend with your children. What if you actually looked forward to hanging out with them (and they with you)? After all, they aren't getting any younger.

You said good-bye to yelling.

Yelling and making empty threats towards your children might work in the short term, but it's going to cause you more trouble in the end. What if you didn't have to "shock" your children to get them to listen?

You could parent with no regrets.

There are a lot of voices out there and some of them can scare us into becoming a parent we're not. What if you could raise your children every day with a calm assurance instead of lingering guilt?

Think it's an impossible dream? It's not.

It starts with knowing who you are as a parent, who you're called to be and the limitations of that calling.

Next, you need to clearly define the values you want to pass on to your children so that they can be the best they can be.

Finally, you need to get clear on how you're going to inspire them to embrace these values so that they'll be ready to take their place in the world when that time comes (and it's coming faster than you think).

Sound like a plan? 

Let's get started, together!

You and your child - on the same page.

Let's face it - our children have slightly different value systems than we do. We like to keep things clean, they like to keep things, well, less clean. We see chores that need to be done. They think it's time for another game of hide-and-seek. But what if you could find a way to align what they want with what you want, and vice versa? Just imagine...

  • Your child, not just doing what you say, but actively looking for ways to bless your home.
  • You and your child having a better understanding and appreciation of each other.
  • You being excited to see what your child will become as opposed to worrying about how they'll turn out.
  • Your child trusting, loving, and respecting you above anyone else.
  • You, meeting the unexpected twists and turns of parenting with more grace and patience than you ever have before.

For parents who love their children...but who know that's not enough.

Every parent wants the best for their children, but we don't always know how to actually give it to them. The truth is...

We have to learn to discipline our love.

No parent in their right mind would give their child everything they want all of the time. We know that's not healthy (or affordable). But how do we determine when it's best to give and to take away? Or how much should we reward or correct and in response to what behavior? 

When it comes to making these decisions, parents need a framework to work from; something that will help them bring balance to how they interact with their children. That's why we created the Well Ordered Parent... help you establish the boundaries you need, not to stifle, but to harness the love you have for your children.

What others are saying.

"This teaching has completely revolutionized the fundamentals of our parenting. My husband and I have always considered ourselves to be “good” parents, but there were many areas where frustration and a lack of knowledge disheartened us. Throughout this course we realized that great parenting is so much more than just having an obedient child. It taught us how effective correction lies within the beautiful art of intentional instruction and well thought consequences, just as our Heavenly Father guides us. It has blessed our home immensely and the transparent and humble hearts of Sean and Caroline throughout this course are genuinely heartwarming. I would highly recommend this teaching to any parent who has a desire to strengthen their relationship with their children"

Sone L., Zimbabwe

"I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am for what Sean and Caroline have taught me. I had found myself yelling all the time, coming up with knee-jerk reaction punishments, and I HATED it. But then I learned that consequences didn’t have to be hateful. They’re now calculated and free from emotion and frustration. And we’ve come up with rewards that are meaningful to our children (and aren’t just toys!). It’s been awesome!"

Tricia P., Ohio

Chalk it up to experience.

When Caroline and I had our first child, we thought we knew exactly what it took to be good parents. Fast forward to number 7 and we realize that parenting is a learning process that never really ends. Along the way there are so many things that you didn't plan for and so many adjustments that need to be made; so many lessons to learn about your children, and yourself. 

We write online and speak at live events about the joys and challenges of parenting, but we thought it would be even more helpful to bring all of our experience into one place. While we can't go back and counsel our 17 year younger selves, we feel privileged to be able to pass the many valuble lessons we've learned, as well as the proven strategies we use everyday in our home, on to you. 

We've been there...

"We know how challenging and frustrating parenting can be. The highs can be really high, but the lows can be really low. We've learned that love governed by boundaries is a great blessing in our homes. After all, it's the same love our Heavenly Father has for us."

Sean & Caroline Allen

Find your way to purposeful parenting.

Let the Well Ordered Parent help you...

  • Get clear about where you are now, where you want to be, and how to get there.
  • Determine what sort of parent you are and how it might be affecting your relationship with your child.
  • Define the values that are truly important to your family.
  • Establish your family mission and get clear about your purpose as a family.
  • Discover creative and effective ways to inspire your children to participate in your family mission.
  • Encourage your children in areas they might struggle (such as doing their chores or showing respect).
  • Unpack the reasons why we resort to yelling and issuing idle threats in response to poor behavior.
  • Determine when it's best to stick to your parenting roadmap, take a detour, or go a whole different direction.  

...and much more!

Take the guesswork out of parenting.

Hear what one mom had to say about how the lessons found in The Well Ordered Parent blessed her home.

Created for parents, by parents. 

If you're raising children, you're a parent; and if you're a parent, this course was designed for you.

Whether you have 10 children or are expecting your first. Whether you're a single parent, a foster parent, or even a grandparent who is primarily responsible for raising your grandchildren. Whether your children attend private school, public school, or are homeschooled. Whether you work from home, out of home, or your full-time job is being a parent. Regardless, The Well Ordered Parent was created to help you be the very best parent you can be.  

We're Sean and Caroline Allen and we have seven children that range in age from 2 to 17. We do a lot of speaking, writing, and thinking about parenting because not only do we want to give our children our very best, we're committed to helping you do the same.  

Our signature course distills the lessons, strategies and simple systems that we've developed over the course of 17 years into one 8 week experience. Every lesson, video, and worksheet has been designed to help you achieve more purpose, peace, and togetherness in your home.

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4 steps to well ordered parenting.

step 1


Take a step back, take a deep breath and relax as we help you gain a renewed sense of purpose in your role as a parent.

step 2


We'll guide you through the process of identifying the values that are truly important to the peace of your home.

step 3


We'll show you practical ways to inspire true obedience in your child through balanced rewards and correction.  

step 4


Now that you've got a plan in place, we'll help you gain the flexibility you need if (and when) the unexpected happens.  

Want to see what's inside?

Check out all the amazing content included in the Well Ordered Parent.

Step 1: RESET Module 1


Reset, revive, renew.

Lessons include...

  • Chosen: An honest, heartfelt call to the incredible privilege of raising children.
  • It's About Time: An appeal to consider the limited amount of time we have befor or children "come of age". 
  • God is a Parent Too: Being a good parent begins by considering the attributes that define the most caring, committed, and consistent Parent that there is.

Step 2: DEFINE Modules 2 - 3


Defining Your Values

Lessons include...  

  • Defining Your Values: Take stock of the things that are truly important to you and to the future peace and prosperity of your children.
  • House Rules & Expectations: There are values (like honesty) and then there are expectations (like turning off a light when you leave a room). Establish (or re-establish) your family rules with this helpful lesson.
  • Are You a Left-Side or Right-Side Parent? Discover the strengths (and weaknesses) that define your parenting style.


Defining Your Child's Values

Lessons include...  

  • Your child's value system: Adults often cannot understand why children do the things they do, but we should. After all, we were children once, too. 
  • The 3 Levels of Obedience: Not all obedience is created equal. This lesson will examine the 3 main kinds of obedience and how one form is far more desirable than the others.
  • Finding the Gaps: This exercise will help you discover the gaps that exist between your expecatations and your child's values as you prepare to build a bridge between the two. 

Step 3: INSPIRE Modules 4 - 5


Building Good Habits

Lessons include...  

  • The Left Wheel: Training With Rewards - In this lesson we examine the importance of meaningful rewards in communicating your values to your children. 
  • The "B" Word: Rewards vs. Bribery - We'll explore the right way (and the wrong way) to encourage good behavior in your children.
  • Plan to Inspire: This exercise will help you brainstorm ways to inspire good habits in your child that can last a lifetime.


Thoughtful Correction

Lessons include...  

  • Yelling is Lazy - This lesson explores why we as parents are so fond of yelling and issuing idle threats and how this form of parenting causes more problems than it solves. 
  • Reasonable, relatable, repeatable - If you want to effectively correct poor behavior, you need to check these 3 boxes. We'll show you how.
  • Creative Consequences: We'll cover the most common forms of poor behavior and offer a number of practical ways you can address each one
  • Make a Consequence Chart: If you've ever struggled to come up with a consequence in response to your child's misbehavior, this exercise will help you solve that problem.

Step 4: ADAPT Modules 6 - 8


Roll With the Punches

Lessons include...  

  • The Best Laid Plans - Life is good at throwing curve balls at our plans. We'll help you to know when to stick to your roadmap, take a detour, or head in different direction.
  • The Future is (Sort-of) Now - Learn how to maintain the delicate balance between your critical role as a parent and the fact that you're not ultimately in control.
  • BONUS! Mothering Through Pregnancy - Practical tips on how to "be the mom" as you prepare to become a mother (again!).


Practical Matters

Lessons include...  

  • The Art of Distraction - Think rewards and consequences are the only way to "train" children? Sometimes all you need is some thoughtful distraction. We'll show you how. 
  • The Beauty of the Family Meeting - Family meetings are a simple activity that can yield HUGE benefits in your home. We'll walk you through how to make the most of them.



Lessons include...  

  • Assess, Adjust, Adapt - In this lesson we'll explore how that, unlike conducting a train, parenting is more like driving a car. You're constantly making little adjustments to stay on the road, and that's perfectly fine. 
  • The Days Are Long, The Years Are Short - This lesson distills everything from the previous 7 weeks and serves as one final call to the work of assisting God in the raising of your children.
I Want In!

If the only thing this did was...

What if The Well Ordered Parent could help you achieve just one of these results?

Hit the reset button.

Maybe you feel like you're caught in a parenting rut. Maybe you're stuck doing the same thing over and over again hoping that a different result is right around the corner. Everyone could use a fresh start now and again, especially parents. The Well Ordered Parent can help you reset and recharge so you can finally take control of your parenting journey. 

Curb the yelling. Cut out the strife.

The thing about yelling at your children is that the more you do it, the louder it tends to get. You might also notice that your children are yelling more when things don't go their way. There are better ways to get through to them and the Well Ordered Parent can show you how. Not only will you find youself yelling less, you might be suprised to discover how much more peacful your home is.  

Can I hear a, "Yes Mom!"

Right now, if you asked your child to do something what kind of response would you get? A heavy sigh and a bunch of excuses? Look, we get that children are better at making messes than cleaning them up, but there are ways to help them find joy in helping out around the house (it's true!). In fact, by putting the lessons of The Well Ordered Parent to work, the next time you ask your child to clean their room you might find that they've already done it!  

Bursting buttons.

One of the things that make parent/child relationships so unique is the amount of time you spend together; somewhere in the neighborhood of A TON OF TIME. And if you have a child that you just can't seem to get along with, that time compounds matters. Of course you love them, but what if you could like them? What if you could stop quarrelling? What if you could put your personality differences aside and regain a sense of pride and delight in your son or daughter? It is possible!  

The future is bright.

Sometimes we feel like it's all on us; that one misstep could consign our children to failure; and while we desperately want to give them the very best, all we can truly give them is ourselves and as much of the love of God as we can carry within us. The Well Ordered Parent was created to help you know your true capabilities are as a parent. The truth is, you don't have to give them everything; you just have to give them everything you've got. 

Course Pricing 

The Well Ordered Parent




  • Complete 8 Week Course (course is self-paced) 
  • 24 video lessons designed to change the life of your family!
  • 25 pages of actionable worksheets and challenges.
  • Lifetime access - Visit the course again and again!
  • BONUS! Character Training Bundle! Includes printable versions of Character Badges, Little Character Badges, Word Marbles and Character Flash Cards ($36 value).
  • BONUS! Exclusive access to The Well Ordered Parent Community private Facebook group.
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Oh, did we mention the bonuses?

In addition to all the great content in The Well Ordered Parent, you'll also recieve...

BONUS 1 ($36 value)

PDF Character Training Bundle!

Put the priciples of the Well Ordered Parent to work with our exclusive character training tools. Included are PDF versions of Character Badges (24 pages, ages 5-12), Little Character Badges (6 pages, ages 3-5), Word Marbles (5 pages, ages 3-10), and Character Flash Cards (5 pages, ages 3-12).


Access to the Well Ordered Parent Community!

Get answers, encouragement, and accountability all in one place. Here you can get 24/7 support as you make your way through the course. You can also ask the Well Ordered Parent Community specific questions related to your parenting journey.

Have We Met?

Meet the authors behind The Well Ordered Parent

Sean and Caroline Allen are the proud parents of 8 beautiful children. Sean frequently speaks about parenting at homeschool conferences across the country. He is also a freelance graphic designer and the creator of Character Badges, a character training program for children. Caroline is a popular blogger who writes about homemaking, homeschooling, health, and modest fashion at She is also a consultant for Young Living and Lilla Rose. When they aren't collaborating on all the business ideas percolating in their heads, you'll find them hanging out with their children or running out for a quick ice cream date at Coldstone.

It's time to become the parent you've always wanted to be so you can raise the children you've always dreamed of.